Grow Guide | July 25
This week we continue our series Renewing Worship by talking about the topic of baptism. The majority of Christian traditions view the act of placing water on a persons’ body (either by fulling immersing the body, pouring, or sprinkling) as an important part of being a disciple of Jesus.
Grow Guide | July 18
This week we continue our series Renewing Worship by looking at the topic of giving an offering in worship. It is a common practice in nearly all worship traditions to invite the congregation to physically place financial gifts into a plate, basket or box (or text to give) during the worship experience. Why do we do this?
Grow Guide | July 11
This week we continue our series Renewing Worship by looking at the topic of prayer. Specifically, we will explore why we pray in worship. Let’s establish a working definition of prayer, so we are on the same page. Prayer simply means talking to God. We can talk to God any time, anywhere. Yet, when we gather together for worship, we take time to speak directly to God.
Grow Guide | July 4
Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Who established the practice of sharing bread and wine?
Reading of Scripture
We continue our series “Renewing Worship” this week by focusing on the reading of scripture in worship.
GROW Guide (Confession & Forgiveness)
This week we continue our worship series “Renewing Worship” by looking at the practice of Confession and Forgiveness in Worship.
GROW Guide May 23, 2021
Thank you Amy Vigesaa for sharing your gifts with Easter! May you be blessed in your journey.