Grow Guide | July 18

Renewing Worship | Offering

Connecting Questions 

  • Have you ever paid money for something, or for an experience, and afterward said, “That was worth every penny!” If so, share the story. 

  • How do you respond emotionally when you hear church leaders talk about giving money to the organization or cause that they represent? Why? 


This week we continue our series Renewing Worship by looking at the topic of giving an offering in worship. It is a common practice in nearly all worship traditions to invite the congregation to physically place financial gifts into a plate, basket or box (or text to give) during the worship experience. Why do we do this? 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Exodus 25:1-9. What were the people invited to offer to God? What was the specific purpose for which this offering was to be used. 

  • Read Leviticus 27:30 (tithe means 10%) and Malachi 3:10. How much do these passages say to bring to God? 

  • Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-10. How much does the Apostle Paul say people should offer to God? Why? 

  • Read Matthew 6:19-21, 24-34. What does Jesus say about how we should view money? 

Taking it Home 

  • What are different concepts that you have been taught about giving to the church? 

  • Many people are hesitant to give money to the church. List various reasons you think this may be true. 

  • Some teachers suggest that a model of 10% to God, 10% to savings, and 80% for living expenses is a healthy way to manage your money. How do you respond to that model? 

  • Given the scripture texts you read above, how would you explain the purpose of giving to a person who was new to the church? 


Grow Guide | July 25


Grow Guide | July 11