The Crucified Life
A Pastor-Led Lenten Study
Mondays | February 24-April 21 (Skip March 10, April 14)
Noon Easter by the Lake, Lakeside Commons
7 pm on Zoom | Register below | Book optional
Meeting ID: 851 2859 4465
Passcode: 333345
Discover what it means to pick up your cross and follow Jesus. The Crucified Life explores new insights into Jesus’ last and most powerful teaching on human suffering.
Table Talk
4th Thursday of the month
9:30-11 am | Easter by the Lake, Lakeside Commons
Join Pastor Kevin and Shari Couch in discussing
Animate: Practices at the monthly Table Talk.
OWLS - Older Wiser Lutherans
Meet the 2nd Thursday of the month
11-12 pm | Easter by the Lake, Lakeside Commons
Join other Older Wiser lutherans and Pastor Erik for a pastor-led devotional, Bible study and fellowship. This year, we will dive into the book Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Disciple. Feel free to bring a lunch!
Contact Jami Day at