Grow Guide | August 8

Renewing Worship | Testimony

Connection Questions 

  • Have you ever had to give a statement for an incident/accident report or tell your version of an event that you witnessed? If so, what was it like to tell your story? 

  • What is an experience that you have had in your life that you would love to tell as many people about as possible? Why? How would you tell it? 


This week we continue our series Renewing Worship by looking at the role of testimony in worship. We are familiar with the term in the context of the court room. A witness is a person who saw an event unfold in real time. A witness is asked to come before the judge and the jury to give a testimony to what they saw. So, a testimony is the public proclamation of what a person has witnessed--what they have experienced first hand. 

A testimony in the context of worship is very similar to the courtroom description. When a person stands up in front of the congregation and tells a story of how they have experienced God’s presence and activity in their life, that is a testimony. That person is a witness to God at work in the world. A public testimony is a wonderful way to gather around God’s Word to be encouraged and sent into the world to carry on the work of Jesus. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Psalm 71:15-24. 

  • Underline all the words that have to do with a public proclamation. 

  • What is the writer of this Psalm proclaiming? 

  • To whom is the writer proclaiming these things? 

  • How is the writer proclaiming these things? 

  • Which section of this Psalm most resonates with you right now? Why? 

  • Read John 20:11-18. What is Mary's testimony? 

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Taking it Home 

  • Have you ever heard someone give a testimony in a worship service? If so, how did it impact you? 

  • How comfortable would you be to stand up in a worship service and talk about how you have recently experienced God? Why? 

  • What are different ways that people might be able to publicly proclaim their testimony other than standing up and only speaking words?  

  • Try sharing your testimony to your group right now. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy. Simply complete this sentence. “The way I have experienced God in my life lately is...” 


GROW Guide | August 15


Grow Guide | August 1