GROW Guide April 4, 2021

Luke 24:1-12

Easter Sunday

Opening Question: 

Share or reflect on a favorite Easter memory.



Jesus was betrayed, arrested, beaten, crucified and his body taken to a tomb.  He was dead.  The women expected to still find him dead, his body lying in the tomb when they went to visit the grave that Sunday morning. 



Discussion Questions:

1.     The women find the tomb empty.  If you were there with them, what feelings and thoughts would you be experiencing?

2.     The women encounter 2 men in dazzling clothes, messengers from God.  They ask the women a question: “Why do you look for the living among the dead?”  The women, of course, weren’t looking for the living among the dead- they were looking for the dead among the dead.  In what ways do we expect death instead of life, sin instead of grace, judgment instead of mercy?

3.     Where do you see new life and/or resurrection life in our world today?  In your own life?

4.     The disciples react to the news from the women in disbelief- as if it was an “idle tale”.  What doubts do you have about the resurrection?  Can you open yourself up to the possibility of this new reality?  Can you doubt your doubts and turn toward faith?


Take Home Questions:

The women “remembered” Jesus’ words and then went to tell the other disciples about what they had seen.  How does remembering moments of faith and words from God embolden us to share good news?  What “remembering” helps you?


GROW Guide April 11, 2021


GROW Guide March 28, 2021