Reading of Scripture

GROW Guide for Renewing Worship Series, June 20, 2021

Connecting Questions 

  • Share a time when you had to assemble something or use something that required a user’s manual. How important was that document to properly using the item or accomplishing the task? What might have happened (or did happen) if you ignored the user’s manual? 

  • What response do you think you might get if you were to ask the people in your sphere--at work, at the gym, in your neighborhood, etc.--this question, “What is the Bible, and why should I care?”  


We continue our series “Renewing Worship” this week by focusing on the reading of scripture in worship. Many worship traditions set aside a moment in the worship service where one person, or a group of people, read a passage of scripture out loud for the entire congregation to hear. There is no explanation or sermon in this moment, it is simply the reading of the text. Why do we do this? Why is scripture so central to our faith community? 

The scripture text for this sermon is found in the first chapter of Joshua. Moses had just led the slaves out of Egypt into freedom (Exodus 1-14). God gave the book of the Law to Moses to show the people how to function as a society (Exodus 15-40 and the book of Leviticus). They spent forty years in the wilderness (the book of Numbers). Joshua had been Moses’ number one assistant that whole time. Now Moses is dead and Joshua has to step  

and lead the people into the land of Canaan. That was a huge responsibility! 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Joshua 1:1-9. 

  • What is God’s basic promise to Joshua in verses 1-5? 

  • How do you think Joshua might have felt in the face of the task that lay before him? 

  • How many times is the phrase “be strong and courageous” repeated in this passage? Why do you think it is repeated so often? 

  • What actions/attitudes is Joshua supposed to take toward the book of the law? 

  • What will be the result if Joshua does these things? 

  • Read Psalm 119:105 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17. What are some purposes for scripture (God’s Word), according to these verses? 

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Taking it Home 

  • What big challenges are you facing in your life right now? What big challenges are we facing as a congregation right now? How might this be like the place Joshua found himself? 

  • Do you think the public reading of scripture is an important part of a worship service? Why or why not? 

  • What are some ways that you could meditate on scripture this week: on your own, in your household, in worship?

Steve Thomason

Easter Pastor




GROW Guide (Confession & Forgiveness)