GROW Guide May 16, 2021

Being Church

Galatians 3:1-9, 23-29

Opening Question: 

What are the “categories” you have been defined by in life?  (gender, status, roles, race, beliefs, etc.)



Paul, a Jewish pharisee who converted to Christianity and is now a leader in the early Church, instructs the Church of Galatia on Law and Gospel, faith and the Spirit, and unity in Christ.


Discussion Questions:

1.     Paul, again, is angry.  Frustrated by the Galatians returning to the works of the Law, he talks about the work of the Holy Spirit.  What do you notice in this passage?  What stands out to you?

2.     Why do you think it is so easy for us to return to the works of the Law as the way of salvation?  What is the purpose of the Law if not to save us? (see vs. 23-25)

3.     There is mystery in the Holy Spirit. What do we know about how the Spirit works? What does Paul say about the Spirit in this portion of Galatians?

4.     It’s easy to identify all the ways we are divided in our world.  Take some time to look at commonalities.  What do we share in common with one another as humans on this earth? As people in the United States? As Christians?

5.     How does holding common ground with one another, help us live together as the Body of Christ?  How might it affect how we see and treat each other?


Take Home Questions:

What does it mean to be clothed in Christ?  How does being a Christian, or Christ-follower, shape your identity?  

What does it mean to be “one in Christ”?  What does one-ness look like?  What does unity feel like?  Consider one way you can bridge a division in your life with someone near you.


GROW Guide May 23, 2021


May 9, 2021