GROW Guide (Confession & Forgiveness)

June 13, 2021


  • Tell about a time when you experienced being in the dark. What was it like? How did it make you feel? 

  • Tell about a time when you had a bad connection when trying to talk to someone on the phone or on a video call. How did it impact the conversation? 

  • How might unresolved conflict interfere with a relationship? 


This week we continue our worship series “Renewing Worship” by looking at the practice of Confession and Forgiveness in Worship. Many liturgical traditions begin the worship service with a pastor or worship leader inviting the congregation to collectively and publicly confess their sin and receive absolution or forgiveness before God. Why do we do this? What does it mean? Why don’t we do it every time we worship?  

Look at the Book 

  • Read 1 John 1:5-10.  

  • What is the message that has been proclaimed (verse 5)? 

  • This passage contrasts light with darkness. What is the light and what is the darkness, according to John? 

  • Darkness is the absence of light. Without light, we can’t see anything. What might happen, literally, if we pretend to be in the light, but are actually in darkness? What might this mean spiritually? 

  • What is the promise in verse 9? 

  • Look up the word “confess” in the dictionary. What does it mean? 

  • What is the warning in verse 10? 

  • Try restating this passage in your own words. 

Taking it Home 

  • If you grew up in the church, what was your experience of confession and forgiveness? Was it a liturgical practice (meaning done publicly in worship)? Was it something you had to do with a priest? Was it left to be a private thing between you and God or trusted friends? 

  • What happens to a relationship when two people hurt each other, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and never seek forgiveness and reconciliation? 

  • Why do you think it may or may not be important to confess our sins and be reminded of God’s forgiveness before we enter worship together? 

Steve Thomason

Easter Pastor


Reading of Scripture


GROW Guide for June 6, 2021