
Grow Guide | June 27, 2021 | Renewing Worship


  • What kind of music did you/do you enjoy as a teenager? Why? 

  • If you are older than a teenager, has your musical taste changed over the years? How and why? 


This week we continue our series “Renewing Worship” by looking at the role of music in worship. The document titled "What is the role of music in the Lutheran liturgy?" from the ELCA website says this about the topic: 

Music, especially singing, has been inextricably linked to our story as God’s people. All God’s people have sung throughout recorded history. The Israelites sang after their deliverance from Egypt. David sang in time of trouble and rejoicing. Mary and Simeon sang songs of thanksgiving. John, on the island of Patmos, heard the glorious songs of the angels in his vision. The psalms, the Bible’s hymnbook, testify to the link of story to song: “Your love, O Lord, forever will I sing; from age to age my mouth will proclaim your faithfulness.” (Psalm 89:1).  

Look at the Book 

  • Read Psalm 98. 

  • List the different ways that music is expressed in this Psalm. 

  • Who is invited to produce the music in this Psalm? What do you think this means? 

  • How is God described in this Psalm? What connection does the description of God have to the music? 

Taking it Home 

  • In what ways have you experienced music in worship?  

  • What is your favorite style of worship music? Why? 

  • Why do you think music is such an important part of the worship experience? 

  • Have you ever experienced controversy over musical styles in worship? What happened? How did it affect you? 

  • How might a congregation work through strong differences in musical tastes in worship? 

Steve Thomason

Easter Pastor


Grow Guide | July 4


Reading of Scripture