May 9, 2021

Being Church

Galatians 1:13-17, 2:11-21

Opening Question: 

Share about a time when you felt pressure from others to go against your own thoughts or beliefs.



The letter of Galatians was written before the split between church and synagogue.  There is much to be discerned regarding how the early Church fits within the Jewish faith and tradition.  Paul, as a Pharisee, was a teacher of the Law of Moses.  Now he counters the observance of the law as a believer in Christ.


Discussion Questions:

1.     What is happening in this passage?  What is Paul upset about?  In what way does he think Peter failed?

2.     What does Paul believe to be the most important thing about being Christian?  What makes a person Christian?

3.     If we believe faith in Jesus is the defining feature of being a Christian, where does the rest fit in?  What do we do about the law and traditions? 

4.     Are there meaningful rules and traditions that help us include and show love to others?  If so, how do we honor those?  If not, are there new ways of being that invite and include others more fully?

5.     What do you think of the line, “If you’re a good person, you’ll go to heaven”? Compare that statement with Paul’s belief “No one will be justified (made right with God) by works of the law.” 


Take Home Questions:

What does it mean to live out the love you have in Christ?  What does that look like in your daily life?  Knowing that we’re not perfect people, what does it mean to draw from the Source of love as we seek to love others?


GROW Guide May 16, 2021


GROW Guide May 2, 2021