GROW Guide April 11, 2021

Luke 24:13-35

2nd Sunday of Easter 

Opening Question:

Where have you seen God this week?



The women had gone to the tomb and found it empty.  Jesus was crucified and died.  His body should have been in the tomb.  The women were told by two messengers from God that Jesus had risen from the dead.  Now Jesus appears to some of his followers.


Discussion Questions:

Jesus walks the road to Emmaus with 2 disciples and asks what they are talking about.  What conversations have you had recently?  What were they about?  What do we tend to spend our time talking about?  What are the familiar topics? Do we talk about faith? Why or why not?

Jesus continues to walk with them. The disciples listen and learn. “Were not our hearts burning within us?” Is there something you’ve been learning through reading the Bible or talking with God lately?

Jesus was a stranger to them- they were kept from recognizing him.  What do you think kept them from recognizing him?  What keeps us from recognizing Jesus in our day?

When do the disciples finally recognize Jesus?  What is it about this moment that helps them see clearly?  Does sharing in communion help us see Jesus; help us see more clearly?  If so, how?

The disciples are so excited, they go back to Jerusalem immediately to see the 11 and share their experience.  What are they told by the others?  There is understandable excitement by the disciples.  What excites you about the Easter story?  Does the Easter story excite you?  Why or why not?


Take Home Questions:

Who is someone you talk with about faith?  Is there someone who walks with you in your faith journey?  Who?  What makes them a good companion in faith? 

If you could walk for a while with Jesus, what would you want to talk about?  What would you ask him?


GROW Guide April 18, 2021


GROW Guide April 4, 2021