GROW Guide May 2, 2021

Being Church

Acts 15:1-18


Opening Question: 

What are a few things that define your family or identify you as belonging to your family?



Let’s catch up!  Over the past few chapters in Acts, Saul- a pharisee persecuting the new sect of Christ followers- has been converted.  Now named Paul, he is one of the primary leaders in the early Church and a missionary to the Gentiles.  Peter, an apostle, is also leading the early Church and has seen God’s gift of the Holy Spirit among the Gentile believers.


Discussion Questions:

1.     Here we find the early Church in another conflict internally.  What is the matter being argued?

2.     What are the points, Peter, Paul and James make in the discussion?

3.     If circumcision is not required, what will “mark” them as part of the believing community?   Is faith sufficient or is more required?  (see Ephesians 2:8-9)

4.     This is a big change in thinking and practice for the Jewish people.  What loss might they be feeling?  Is it possible to look at this situation as God bringing about something more- something better?  If so, in what way?

5.     Throughout the Bible, we hear of God’s promise to bless all nations through the Israelite people.  In what way is God fulfilling this promise?  How does God continue to bless the world through us?


Take Home Questions:

In the middle of this text, there is a pause.  There is silence in the discussion as people think and mull over the issue at hand.  How have you found silence helpful when tackling a big issue?  What might happen if we kept silent and listened for God in the midst of our conversations?


May 9, 2021


GROW Guide April 25, 2021