GROW Guide May 23, 2021

Being Church

Acts 2:1-4; Galatians 4:1-7 [5:16-26] 

Opening Question: 

Share what it means in your experience to be someone’s child. 


The early church experiences the coming of the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus. 

Discussion Questions:

Acts 2:1-4

1.     In what way does the Spirit come in this section of Scripture?  What stands out to you?

2.     What questions, if any, does this raise for you?  What wonderings?

Galatians 4:1-7

3.     What is the difference between being slaves, heirs/minors and adopted children as described in this passage?

4.     What do you think it means to be enslaved to the “elemental rudiments/principles” of this world?


5.     What role does the Spirit have in our identity as God’s children?

Galatians 5:16-26

6.     Take a minute to contrast the “desires of the flesh” and the “fruit of the Spirit.”  How are they opposed to one another? Why are the desires of the flesh warned against? 


Take Home Questions:

There is no law against the fruit of the Spirit.  In fact, living by the Spirit fulfills the law in many regards.  What does it mean to live by and be guided by the Spirit?  Why might we as Christians still struggle to live by the Spirit?   

What does it mean in verse 24 that the flesh with its passions and desires have been crucified with Christ?  Is there a “desire of the flesh” that you struggle with?  If so, ask that it be crucified and that the Spirit would guide you forward.


GROW Guide for June 6, 2021


GROW Guide May 16, 2021