GROW Guide for June 6, 2021

Renewing Worship

Psalm 95:1-7

Connecting Questions 

What are some types of events/places that you would be willing and excited to pay money to gather with a large group of people? Why? 

Think about one of the places you mentioned in the last question for a moment. What kinds of activities, attitudes, or behaviors would people display in these places/events? Why? 


We begin a new Summer worship series this week called Renewing Worship. We’ll be asking questions like: Why do we do what we do in worship? What do these elements of worship mean? How can we recommit or re-envision these elements as we prepare for the new normal in our worship lives together?  

This week we ask the two big questions: What is Worship? and Why do we worship? 

Look at the Book 

Read Psalm 95:1-7 

Take a piece of paper and divide it in half. On the left side, label it “Let us...” On the right side, label it “Because God is...” 

Read through the Psalm again and, on the left side, write down all the things that we are invited to do (for example: “let us sing to the LORD”) AND, on the right side, write down all the ways that God is described (for example: “a great God” and “He made everything”) 

Now write the word “What” on top of the list on the left and the word “Why” on top of the list on the right. 

Based on these two lists, how would you answer the question: What are we supposed to do in worship and why should we do them? 

Read verses 7-11. According to these verses, why does the Psalmist think worshipping God is so important? 

PSALM 95.jpeg

Taking It Home 

What have been some of your most memorable and positive experiences in a public worship gathering, if any? Why? 

In what ways is a public worship gathering like the events/places you mentioned in the Connecting Questions? It what ways is it different? 

On a scale of 1-10, with one being “not at all” and ten being “very much so”, how would you rate the importance of gathering with other people for a public worship event in your own life? Why? 

What do you hope to gain from this summer series Renewing Worship?

Steve Thomason

Easter Pastor


GROW Guide (Confession & Forgiveness)


GROW Guide May 23, 2021