Check out the events happening at Easter on the Calendar.
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Events at Easter
Midweek Lenten Services
March 12- April 9
6:30 PM | Easter on the Hill
Blood Drive
First Friday of the month
Except this month (Friday, March 28)
11:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Easter by the Lake
Easter JAM
FREE event, please register!
Saturday, April 12
9:30 AM | Easter by the Lake
Holy Week
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 20
8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 AM
BOTH Locations
Baccalaureate Service
Sunday, April 27th
6:30PM | Great Room, Lake Campus
Healthy Spiritual Attitudes
Thursdays, Feb. 6, 20, & March 6, 20
12pm at Easter by the Lake
7pm on Zoom
20 Somethings
2nd Thursday of the Month
April 10th at 7:00 PM
Bricksworth Beer Co. Burnsville MN
Table Talk
4th Thursday of the month
9:30-11 am | Easter by the Lake
Join Pastor Kevin in discussing Animate: Practices at the monthly Table Talk
The Crucified Life
Mondays, Feb. 24-April 21
(skip March 10, April 14)
12pm at Easter by the Lake
7pm on Zoom
OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans)
2nd Thursday of the month
11:00am - 1:00pm at Easter by the Lake
Book provided
Free Open Gym Time!
Thursdays 9:30 to 11 AM
Easter by the Lake
Parent/Pastor Huddle
1st Sunday of the month
In between Worship Services
10:05- 10:25 am | Easter by the Lake
Gentle Yoga
Every Wednesday
11:15 am-12:15 PM | Easter by the Lake