GROW Guide March 28, 2021

The Narrow Way: Palm Sunday

Luke 19:29-44

Opening Question: 

How are you feeling today? Share or reflect on a high and a low.


Palm Sunday originally took place at the beginning of the Passover Week.  It was a celebration that quadrupled the population of Jerusalem.  On one side of the city, there was a mighty procession taking place with the Roman Governor of the region entering town with intimidation and military support.  But on the other side of town, a Jewish man road a donkey with cloaks being thrown on the ground before him.  The people shout lines from Psalm 118 in full anticipation of their king coming in glory.  The Pharisees are nervous knowing full well the theological and political implications.


Discussion Questions:

1.     Describe the scene.  What do you see, hear, feel and smell?  What is the mood?  Do you sense any tension or fear?

2.     The crowd throw down their cloaks/coats in front of Jesus as a red-carpet moment of honor for Jesus.  (There are no Palm branches waving in the Gospel of Luke.) In what ways do you see honor given to people in our culture?  In what ways do you express honor to others? And to God?

3.     The people shout a line from Psalm 118:26 in celebration but also in expectation.  What were the people hoping for in this moment?  Are there expectations you place on Jesus? If so, what?  What do you want God to do in our world today?

4.     These are broken praises as we know the turn of events coming this week.  Jesus gave the people hope as he travelled a road of despair.  Often in our experiences, hope and despair live side by side.  Anticipation and fear, praise and disappointment are all part of the package.  How do you see this to be true?  What examples can you give?

5.     Throughout Lent, we’ve been talking about the narrow way of discipleship.  Now on the road leading into Jerusalem, leading to all the events of Holy Week, how would you describe this narrow way of Jesus?  What does discipleship look like as we follow Jesus to the cross?


Take Home Questions:

What are “the things that make for peace”?  In our society, peace is difficult.  How would you define what makes for peace? 

Jesus says that Jerusalem failed to recognize their “time of visitation from God.”Take some time to recognize God’s presence and activity in your life and in the life of your community of faith.Where do you see God?When have you felt God’s presence?


GROW Guide April 4, 2021


GROW Guide March 21, 2021