You will be welcome here, exactly as you are, no matter your background or history. You will be loved here, because you are God’s own beloved child and you are a partner with us as we serve all people. You will know God’s grace here, as you receive the sacraments, be surrounded in prayer, feel the Spirit’s presence in worship and service, and learn more about Jesus and his ministry. You will be included here, because we believe everyone has a part to play and work to do as we love God and love our neighbors as well as our own selves.



On Easter, the church celebrates that Jesus defeated death, sin, and all evil through his resurrection. Whether you associate the holiday of Easter with the holiest day of the Christian year or a day filled with candy and family traditions, it means something special and exciting. Our congregation welcomes you into a life of holiness, celebration, fun, and sharing in the good news of Jesus, no matter who you are or what you know about the meaning of Easter Sunday. Also, we don’t know of any other church named Easter, so we hope it helps you remember who we are and what Jesus is about!



To grow in faith & carry on the work of Jesus Christ



Jesus spent his life helping the sick, hurting, and lonely and pointing others to God’s unending love. We want to continue that work. We want to serve our community, form meaningful relationships with each other, and live out God’s grace. Therefore, we seek to grow in faith, supported by practices like worship, study, and prayer. When our faith is supported and challenged in meaningful ways, we are filled up to go out into the world and do Jesus’ life-giving work in the world.

Faithful to God’s mission among us, we will: Live in community, Care with compassion, Worship with joy, Learn with devotion, Love with generosity!

Read more about each of Easter’s Vision Statements:

  • What does this look like? As part of God’s beloved community, we will love God and love others in all we do. We will value connection, conversation, and companionship. We will develop intentional relationships with all God’s people within and outside our walls.  

    For as in one body we have many members and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. – Romans 12:4-5

  • What does this look like? We are called to share God’s gift of healing with all, shining the light of Christ’s hope. We will pray, walk together, build relationships, and offer support from a place of listening.

    Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

  • What does this look like? Weekly worship centers us in relationship with each other and with God. We continue to seek worship that is accessible and inclusive. We will fully engage in many styles of worship, trusting God’s presence in music, prayer, preaching, scripture, and the sacraments.


    Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name. – Psalm 63:3-4

  • What does this look like? The Spirit inspires us all to grow. We encourage all generations to teach and learn from each other, from birth through adulthood, with space for everyone to learn, grow, be curious, and discern. We will actively support parents and caregivers in the faith development of youth.

    Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long. – Psalm 25:4-5

  • What does this look like? Knowing that God has held nothing back in Jesus Christ, we commit to sharing all we have with contagious gratitude. We live in God’s abundance by sharing our space, time, ability, energy, and finances here at Easter and throughout our lives.


    And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. – 2 Corinthians 9:8


Get to know more about Easter and what it means to be a member. During the session, we’ll take a look at an overview of the church, specific ministry areas, and the Lutheran tradition. Easter’s pastors will be there to greet, teach, and answer your questions.

Membership isn’t required to worship or be involved at Easter.

Interested in attending an information session or have questions?

Email easter@easter.org or sign up below.




4200 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN 55122

Monday – Thursday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm



4545 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN 55122

No Office Hours







Our Vision Board (Church Council) and Financial Board help guide Easter Lutheran Church.  The groups meet monthly.

If you have questions for the Vision Board or Financial Board they can be sent to easter@easter.org and will be routed as needed.


In 1974, forty-three families joined together and officially organized as Easter Lutheran Church.  The church was originally housed at City Hall before moving up the street to our current Easter on the Hill campus in 1977.  To meet the needs of our growing community, we opened the Easter by the Lake campus in 2001 located one mile south of the Hill.  Easter has always been a church with a heart for all of God’s people.  In 2009, Easter and two other Eagan churches founded The Open Door, formerly The Eagan Resource Center, to meet the community’s need for a food shelf.  With building modifications in 2014, we expanded our outreach ministries to include Homework Help, TreeHouse, and the Loaves & Fishes Community Meal.


Easter Preschool provides a quality educational experience for children in a Christian context and gentle living environment.  Children at Easter Preschool are three-, four-, and five-years-old.  Each child grows at their own rate and has differing experience levels.  We seek to provide early and appropriate opportunities for every child to develop socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and academically.


An early childhood education that is rich in hands-on activity allows the child to experiment and problem-solve while providing the foundation for future academic experiences.  We encourage children to become independent and inquisitive learners now and throughout their lives.