GROW Guide April 25, 2021

Being Church

Acts 8:26-39

Opening Question:

Share about someone who taught you about God.


7 Deacons- Philip was one of the men assigned to help with equitable food distribution (Acts 6- last week’s reading), along with Stephen. We also hear of him being the first to share the Good News with the Samaritans. 


Discussion Questions:

1.     What do you see, hear, notice in this story?  What are you drawn to or wonder about?

2.     What do we learn about the man in the chariot that Philip approaches?  How might his identity influence his understanding of Scripture?

3.     The Holy Spirit is the primary actor in this story.  In what way do you see this to be true?

4.     This encounter is driven by questions we hear in the text, with no specific answers given to us the reader.  What questions do you hear?  Using a biblical imagination, what do you think the conversation was like?  What was the result?

5.     What questions do you hear people asking about God, faith and the Church?  What questions do you have?

6.     Philip obeys the Spirit immediately, having no reservation or resistance in sharing the Good News with this man.  What reservations and resistance do we have in sharing the Gospel?  Why? 

Take Home Questions:

Where might the Spirit be leading you?  Who might the Spirit be leading you to talk with and be a companion to in faith?  Do you have a mentor in faith?  If so, who?

What is your story of faith?Are there moments in your life that are significant in your walk with God, your understanding of Scripture and your involvement in the Church?


GROW Guide May 2, 2021


GROW Guide April 18, 2021