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Welcome to Easter Kids!

You don’t have to do this whole parenting thing alone.  Easter Church wants to partner with you to connect your kids to God’s bigger story. Together (home and church) we can help kids find and follow Jesus. Our goal is to partner with you to

nurture faith in kids and have fun while doing it!

Digital Tools help us partner together.

We’re on Facebook! Look for Easter Kid’s Ministry

Easter JAM

You are invited to Easter JAM on Saturday, April 12th at 9:30am at our Lake location (4545 Pilot Knob Road). Join us for music, games and the Easter story like you've never heard it before! We'll keep the celebration going with an egg hunt for kids and breakfast treats for everyone. It's fun for the whole family, invite your friends and neighbors too! Suggested donation of $10 per household.

Youth and Adult Volunteers Needed!  We are looking for help decorating the church and hiding eggs in the afternoon on Friday, April 11th. On Saturday the 12th, we need greeters, food prep and help cleaning up. Register below to help make this event a success - Thank you!

Please register below

Summer VBS 2025


Live It Out: June 9 - 12(Waitlist)

Road Trip: July 28 - 31

Registration is Open!

Designed for kids from 4 yrs. old (must be potty trained) to 5th grade (as of Fall of 2024)

Scholarships available, contact Rachelle: rgill@easter.org

Would you consider volunteering for VBS?

We need you to make VBS happen! 

  • Adult Volunteers (18+), you can help by leading a Station (Crafts, Story etc.) Register to serve for the whole week and receive up to 3 Free kid registrations! To receive the Free registrations, when you get to the Review and Pay section, click on the "Apply Discount" button and enter VBS ROCKS.  

    Youth Volunteers: We need you too!

  • Station Assistant (Waitlist)

  • Setup and Decorate Crew

  • Crew Leader (Waitlist)

Register Below!


On Sunday mornings we offer JAM (Jesus and Me) and on Wednesday nights we have Choristers (a kid’s choir).

For more information and to register, click on the Register button. We love the combo of JAM time with small groups and families worshiping together on Sundays to help Easter kids grow in faith.   

Registration for JAM 2024-2025 is open!

To sign up to be a small group leader,

you need to click one the on the JAM registration button!

Questions? Contact Rachelle: rgill@easter.org  

Thursdays 9:30 to 11 AM thru APRIL 24

No JAM ‘N PLAY on 3/27, 4/17

Kids 5 and under are invited to bring their parents/caregivers to the Great Room at Easter by the Lake. Play, read a Bible Story together at Circle Time, then play some more until 11 a.m.  The Great Room is a big gym to run, run, run, tumble and play.  Play time is not structured.  Free coffee and tea is available!

3rd Grade Bibles

Parents of 3rd graders! Please pick up their Bible NOW in the church office (4200 Pilot Knob Road).

Have your child bring the bible each week at JAM.

Questions please contact Rachelle at rgill@easater.org


Thinking about Baptism? First, attend a Baptism Class.

Meet with Pastors, Easter staff and other families to learn more about baptism and what it means.

Classes are held in February, May, August, and November.

Second, schedule a date for a Baptism Celebration!

For information about baptism at Easter,

the baptism class or scheduling a baptism, please click the link below.


Next class APRIL 8 at 6:30 at Easter by the Lake.

Celebration Maundy Thursday, April 17 at all services.

Is your child ready for their First Communion? Parents attend this class along with their child to learn all about the significance, history (even the logistics) of taking Communion. Traditionally at Easter, kids receive their First Communion in 5th grade but kids can attend this class anytime their parents feel they’re ready.

Classes are available two times a year - fall and spring. Cost is $10 which goes toward a stole for the child to decorate and wear at their First Communion Celebration. Registration is non-refundable and non-transferable. Questions? Rachelle Gill at rgill@easter.org.

This is how we encourage Easter families to talk about faith at home.

SHARE your highs and lows
READ a Bible verse or story
TALK about how the Bible reading might relate to your highs and lows
PRAY for one another’s highs and lows
BLESS one another

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Contact Rachelle Gill at rgill@easter.org