Grow Guide | Feb 27, 2022

I AM | John 17:1-12

Connecting Question 

  • Name some really famous people. What made them famous? 

  • Tell about a time when you were part of a group/team that you felt worked well together. What made it work? 


The text for this week was chosen because it is Transfiguration Sunday. Matthew, Mark, and Luke each tell the story of how Jesus took three disciples to the top of a mountain and was transfigured in their presence. They saw him for his true, full self. Some people say Jesus was “glorified” in this scene. 

The Gospel of John does not include that story. Instead, it talks about the glory of Jesus throughout the Gospel. Our scene for this week happens at the end of the Last Supper (chapters 13-17). Jesus prays for his disciples. 

It is important to note that the word glory is translating the Greek word doxa. It doesn’t mean beams of light shining from your head. It literally means “to be held in high esteem, to be of a good reputation.” Read this passage with that understanding of glory and to glorify in mind. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read John 17:1-12. 

  • How does Jesus refer to God? What might that tell us about Jesus’ relationship with God? 

  • How does Jesus define “eternal life” in verse 3? How might this relate to other definitions you may have heard? 

  • Given the definition of glory and glorify above, rewrite verses 4-5 in your own words. 

  • What is Jesus asking the Father to do on behalf of his disciples in verse 11? Why do you think he is specifically asking this at this moment? 

Taking it Home 

  • It is important to always keep in mind that the original audience of John’s Gospel were Jewish disciples of Jesus who had just witnessed the destruction of the Temple, the city of Jerusalem, and their way of life. How might this prayer have been meant for them? How might it be helpful for disciples of Jesus today? 

  • In what ways can we glorify God with our words and actions today? 

  • According to this passage, fill in the blank: Jesus is ___________.


Grow Guide | March 6, 2022


Grow Guide | Feb 20, 2022