Grow Guide | Feb 20, 2022


John 7: 37-52

Connecting Questions 

  • Who are some public figures that generate mixed reactions in the general population? How does society handle the disagreements? 

  • How did the previous question affect the conversation in your group? What are some reasons we often have difficulty discussing disagreement? 


We continue our series I AM this week with Jesus returning to Jerusalem during the Festival of the Tabernacles. This was a joyous harvest festival where the people lived in simple tents for a week. These tents commemorated the time when God led the people through the wilderness in Exodus and provided water, food and shelter for them. 

One of the rituals in this festival occurred on the last day when the priest would pour water over the altar. This drink libation recognized two things. First, it pointed to the story when God provided water from the rock in Numbers 20. Second, it acknowledged how God continually provides rain for crops and life. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read John 7:37-38. 

    • What does Jesus claim about himself? 

    • What does John tell us Jesus meant by living water in this passage? 

  • Read John 7:40-44.  

    • How did the crowd respond to Jesus’ words? 

    • What reason did some give to distrust Jesus? 

  • Read John 7:45-52. 

    • Why did the Temple Police not arrest Jesus when they were ordered to do so (see John 7:32-36)? 

    • Remember Nicodemus from John 3? How does he speak up for Jesus? 

    • What reason do the leaders give to discredit Jesus? 

Taking it Home 

  • It seems clear that the religious leaders feel threatened by Jesus. He doesn’t fit the mold of leadership. He doesn’t have the right credentials. In what ways can places of power and privilege cloud a person’s ability to see the truth of a given situation? 

  • Who in our world needs to feel their spiritual/emotional/societal thirst quenched by God’s Spirit? In what ways might current power structures be inhibiting the flow of God’s Spirit? 

  • According to this story, fill in the blank. Jesus is ____________. 


Grow Guide | Feb 27, 2022


Grow Guide | Feb 13, 2022