Grow Guide | March 6, 2022
Better Together
John 11:21-44
Connecting Questions
List all the things you should NOT say when someone’s loved one dies.
Why do you think some people find it difficult to talk with someone about the death of their loved one?
This week begins our new Series “Better Together.” It marks the Sundays in the season of Lent. This season is designed to help disciples of Jesus prepare themselves for Holy Week; the time when we relive the story of Jesus’ betrayal, execution, burial, and resurrection. Each week we will listen carefully for who God calls Easter Lutheran Church to be as we move forward into our future together to God’s glory.
Our journey to the Cross begins with the story of Lazarus, his sisters, and Jesus’ confrontation with the death of a friend. When Jesus heard of Lazarus’ sickness, he delayed going to him. Lazarus died. Notice how Jesus interacts with the grieving sisters, the crowd, and death itself.
Look at the Book
Read John 11:21-27.
What accusation does Martha make against Jesus? What conflicting emotions might she have in this moment?
What big claim does Jesus make about himself?
What does Martha testify about Jesus?
Read John 11:28-37.
Contrast the words and actions of Mary in this scene with Martha in the last scene.
How does Jesus respond to Mary’s words and actions?
How does the crowd respond to Jesus? Are they unified in their opinion of him?
Read John 11:38-44
Why does Jesus speak aloud to the Father?
Lazarus is wrapped/bound in grave clothes after he is brought back to life. Can he unwrap himself? To whom might Jesus be speaking in the final line?
If you are wondering why there is only one woman in this illustration (where is Martha?) then read the commentary at
Taking it Home
One of the most powerful verses in scripture is John 11:35. Jesus wept. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus--God in the flesh--knows the depths of our pain and grief and shares it with us? What does this say about God?
Even though Lazarus was alive again, he was still bound by grave clothes and needed other people to help him be completely free. In what ways do we need each other to be “unbound?”
What do you think it means for Jesus to be “The resurrection and the life?”