Visio Divnia
For today’s devo I wanted to try something a little different, engage a few more senses
First I invite you to find a comfortable space and a space where you won’t be interrupted for 5-10 minutes, its ok if you have to go sit in the car.
Once you are in that space take a couple of deep cleansing breaths, completely fill up your lungs with air, hold that for a count of 4 and then slowly exhale.
From Psalm 34:
“Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”
Take a few seconds looking at each image. In each image, reflect on where do you see God? How is God present or how is God making Godself known in each image?
God we are in a rush, we are always moving, we often think about what is next and not what is now! Help us to stop, breath, reflect and SEE where you are in each moment. Help us SEE where and how you are present and how you are making Yourself known.
Carry On
Take a post it note and place it on your phone or car steering wheel car radio, etc. And when you notice the note, look around and ask yourself, where am I seeing God, right here and right now. Go for a walk and look around, where do you SEE God. At the end of the day, write some notes down on where you saw God today, what it hard to see God, was it easy to see God? Why might it have been harder or easier to see God today? Maybe even include these reflections on the comments.