

There is a breathing exercise that we have done in youth group a few different times to calm our brains, bodies and spirits.  I don’t know if it has a name, we just call it the box exercise.   The idea is to take your figure and trace a box in the air.  And as you trace, you breathe.  So as you trace the top of the box you inhale, for a count of 5, as you trace the side you exhale for a count of 5, trace the bottom inhale, side exhale.


So to begin this time let’s focus on your breathing and try the box exercise, do that 2-3 times




Psalm 106:1

Praise the Lord!
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


There are many verses that talk about Gratitude in the Bible these are two of my favorite.  One of the interesting things about gratitude is that people who express and show gratefulness are generally happier people.  It is kind of fascinating that people who express their appreciation and gratefulness to others become happier people.  In fact there was an informal study done in which random people were invited to take a happiness test.  Then they were asked to think of someone who has been really influential in their life.  They were then asked to write about what this person has done for them and what they mean to them, why is this person important in their life.  When they finished, they were invited to call that person and read to them what they wrote about them.  The experiment closed with the participants taking another happiness test.  The results, everyone improved in their level of happiness.  What was even more fascinating is that the person who came in as the least happy person in the group, had the greatest increase in their happiness level after the doing the experiment. 

I can’t help but think about what that says about us.  We become happier people when we improve the lives of those around.  Isn’t that part of what sharing gratitude is.  You are thanking someone for the role that they play in your life, the positive influence that they are.  That is affirming stuff and it can only make the recipient feel better.  At the same time, and as this experiment seems to indicate, you as the giver of truth, you get a benefit too. 


It is also further proof to me that God designed to live in community, we are designed to be together, we are designed to share, and thank and encourage one another.



God we give you thanks for the people that you bring into our lives to help us in our journey of life.  They are ones that we have leaned into for council, support, love and shoulders to cry on.  Thank you for bringing us together.  Amen

Carry On

Try this for yourself.  Take some time to think of someone who is influential in your life, an encourager, supporter, affirmer, anyone who has played an important role in your life.  Write down what they mean to you or why do you appreciate them and then call them and tell them that.


Bemidji Faith Story


Visio Divnia