I Give You Praise


Take a deep breath. As you breathe in say, “Thank you, God.” As you breathe out say, “I give you praise.” Repeat as many times as you need.



You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God. – 2 Corinthians 9:11-12



Tomorrow, in worship, we invite everyone to bring in their statement of intent. This document lets the staff and leaders of this congregation know what you intend to give financially to the mission and ministry of Easter Lutheran Church in the year to come. If your information on the appeal, along with your statement of intent, didn’t come in the mail, you can find everything you need online: https://www.easter.org/annualappeal 

As I pray for all of us, that we would take the time to discern what God calls us to give, that we would see our stewardship as an act of faith, and that God’s abundance would be made known through our financial gifts, I am simply overwhelmed with gratitude. As Paul writes, I feel a great thanksgiving to God for how God’s goodness is made known through your giving. This is a great joy. 

But as Paul also says, I also give thanks for the ways I feel enriched by your generosity. Your giving inspires me. It points me to God’s love. It moves me to greater acts of compassion to ensure justice, equity, and hope for our neighbors. Your giving supports this church and its ministries, yes – but it also encourages me in my personal faith and devotion. 

It is my great hope that as you hear God’s call to financial giving for the sake of the church that you will look around you. I hope that you will see other faithful givers, whether in this congregation or in your personal life, and be inspired by their faith at work through their acts of stewardship. Together, we do the work of the church to which the Spirit calls us. But even more, we lift each other up and are enriched for greater ministry. We come together in Christ’s name, united by the gospel, for the sake of our church, our community, and our love for each other. 

Thank you for what you share in God’s name and the love you share for each other through your witness.



God, you have given me models of faith and generosity throughout my life. I praise you for these saints in my family, my church, and my community. By your Spirit’s guidance, move me to generosity for the sake of your church, your world, and any who might know your abundance through my gifts. Amen.


Carry On.

Who taught you about the importance of giving? How can you thank them for their witness to you?


Visio Divnia


There Is Always Enough