John 6:8-9


Have you ever felt like you had almost nothing to offer? Take a moment to think about a time when you felt overwhelmed by the needs around you. What did you do, think, and feel?


“One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him, ‘There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many people? (John 6:8-9)’”


A little boy showed up to a big event with a small lunch. When he left home that morning his meager lunch probably felt like just enough to keep his nagging hunger at bay for the day.

Imagine how he felt when Andrew approached him and asked if he was willing to share his lunch. There were thousands of people there. He heard Andrew ask the teacher, “how is his lunch enough for so many people?”

He felt smaller than usual.

Then something amazing happened. The teacher from Nazareth prayed to God, whom he called “Daddy,” and suddenly everyone in the crowd was eating, sharing, and laughing. At the end of the feast there were twelve baskets of leftovers.


Gracious God, you are the one who provides for us. Give us eyes to see what you have given us and the abundance that it can become. Amen.

Carry On

What is in your lunch box today? You have something to offer the world; your smile, your interests, your time, talents and treasure. How can you open the box to see what God can do with it in the world?


John 6:18-20


John 5:16-17