John 6:18-20


Take a few deep breaths and try to imagine yourself on a small boat in the middle of a large lake while a huge storm tosses you back and forth. How do you feel? What seems like wind and waves crashing around you right now?


“The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terrified. But he said to them, ‘It is I; do not be afraid.’ (John 6:18-20)”


All four Gospels include a story where Jesus has power over the raging sea. He walks on the water. He speaks to the wind and waves and they listen to him and obey.

The sea represented chaos in the ancient world. It was a living force of raw power. That makes sense. The sea is constantly changing; shifting here and there as the wind and tides twist and turn. Only the bravest of souls dared to traverse its face, constantly wary of its turbulent surface and terrified of the creatures that lurked below.

These stories of Jesus on the sea are designed to take us back to the opening lines of Genesis. The Spirit of the LORD hovered over the surface of the deep and brought order out of chaos. God took that which seemed formless and void and transformed it into something beautiful and good.

That’s what God does. Jesus was shaking up the disciples’ world in the Gospel of John. He was making bold claims about himself and challenging the authority of the religious establishment. They knew that if they continued to follow him their lives would certainly be in danger.

The sea in this story mirrored the condition of their hearts: chaos and confusion.

Jesus simply spoke into the chaos, “I AM. Don’t be afraid.” and they got to the other side.


Spirit of God, hover over the chaos of our hearts and lives today. Speak those words of peace for us. Carry us through to the other side of this storm. Amen.

Carry On

It is not hard to imagine our world as a chaotic sea today, is it? Close your eyes and go back to the boat you were on when we began this devo. Imagine Jesus walking through the wind and waves. He looks at you and says, “I AM. Don't be afraid.” Can you trust that today?


John 6:66-69


John 6:8-9