John 6:66-69


Have you ever found it difficult to claim to be a disciple of Jesus in our world? So many people have so many different ideas about who Jesus was/is, what it means, and why it matters.


“Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him. So Jesus asked the twelve, 'Do you also wish to go away?’ Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.’ (John 6:66-69)”


This week we have been reflecting on the stories in John 6. They all took place during the Passover Feast. It was during this feast that Jews remembered the story of the Exodus when God delivered their ancestors from slavery and provided them with bread in the wilderness. The manna of Exodus was the bread of life.

The stories of John 6 have to do with bread, creation, and new life. Jesus made a bold claim in John 6:35-53. He claimed that he is the bread of life. He said, “those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.”

At face value, those are some strange words. Is he suggesting cannibalism? Of course not, but the implication of the deep commitment he was calling people to make was too much. He knew that he was about to give his body to the bloodthirsty systemic powers of evil and that the same would be required of his disciples. Jesus was saying, “you need to be all in if you want to change the world.”

Many left Jesus at this point. He was too bold; maybe a little crazy. It must have been painful to watch a huge portion of his flock abandon him.

He turned to those who remained and asked, “Will you leave me, too?” Peter answered, “To whom can we go? You're it.”


Giver of Life, give us the strength to eat this bread today. Help us trust that you—who calm the storm and provide bread and water—can sustain us through all adversity. Amen.

Carry On

Jesus’ invitation might seem scary, but it is exhilarating and freeing. Jesus invites us to trust so deeply in the love of God that not even death itself can frighten us. God’s love is so deep that it is the only source of life that we need. Can you eat that bread today?


What’s Love Got to Do with It?


John 6:18-20