What’s Love Got to Do with It?

“What’s Love Got to Do with It?”

The Legend of St. Valentine

by Jami Day (Director of Adult Ministry)

I can almost hear the Grammy Award winning artist Tina Turner’s song, “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” in my head, as I ponder the origin of the long-celebrated, romantic holiday of St. Valentine’s Day. This week, Americans will spend over 20 billion dollars (about $62 per person in the US) on Valentine’s Day, mostly on cards, candy, and jewelry. But why?

The history of Valentine’s Day—and the story of its patron saint—is shrouded in mystery. History books reveal many legends to help us answer the question, who was Saint Valentine?

One legend maintains Saint Valentine was a third century priest, who secretly married young lovers against the decree of the Roman Emperor, who believed single men made better soldiers. Once his sympathetic and romantic actions were revealed, Valentine was beheaded. Others believe he was executed for helping Christians escape from torturous Roman prisons. Awaiting his death, Valentine fell in love with the daughter of a jailer and wrote a love letter, signing it, “From, Your Valentine”

1 Corinthians 16:14 says, “Let all that you DO be done in love.”   I believe Saint Valentine lived this aloud by putting his feet to his faith and loved with his ACTIONS. He carried on the work of Jesus, like Easter Lutheran strives to do every day. I am honored to serve in a church that makes loving our neighbors with our actions a top priority.

Do not get me wrong, I like getting cards and candy from my loved ones on Valentine’s Day. But this year, I challenge you to join me in thinking outside the chocolate “box” and sign up to serve.

Here is our link to local outreach opportunities where we can DO something loving this Valentine’s Day. Like St. Valentine did and like Jesus calls us to do.


Jami Day

Director of Adult Ministry


Jesus Knows Me, This I Love


John 6:66-69