John 5:7-9


This week, our devotions will be based on a practice known as Examen. You’ll need a timer, a quiet spot, and about ten minutes for devotions each day this week. Get what you need, take a deep breath, and prepare to hear from our upcoming preaching text.



The sick man answered [Jesus], “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down ahead of me.”  Jesus said to him, “Stand up, take your mat and walk.”  At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and began to walk. – John 5:7-9



In the practice known as Examen, we are invited to reflect on God’s word and our lives to better listen to God’s action in our lives and discern where God may be leading us. For many Christians, this daily practice invites reflection, devotion, and connection to God’s will. We will try it for our devotions this week as a way to learn about another style of faith practice that can be very meaningful. Set a timer for two minutes to reflect and pray about each of the following questions, one at a time:


Jesus calls a man to participate in his own healing, showing great faith. Where have you seen or heard God calling you to stand up and walk this week?


Sometimes we’re able to look back and realize we were only capable of something because of God’s love and mercy. Think back on one such event from this week. How can you express your thanks to God for this care?


For many, it has been a long season of hurt, fear, and struggle. Where might God be calling you to get up and keep moving forward? How does it feel to bring those times and places to God right now?


Consider one thing from this day where you recognized your bravery or God’s gift of courage. Reflect on it and bring it to God in prayer now.


In God, we have the promise of new life each day. How will you listen for God’s call to get up and walk tomorrow? How does this strengthen you in your faith?



God, you grant us healing and wholeness through many means – doctors, teachers, community leaders, the love of friends and family, nature, and so much more. Open my eyes to the many ways you constantly bring healing and strength. Tune my ears to your voice so I may always get up and follow your call. Amen.


Carry On.

Many websites have information on the Examen and ways you can use it in your life. Spend a few minutes reading a little about it. How might you use it as one of your regular faith practices?


John 5:16-17


John 5:5-6