John 5:5-6


We will try something a little different for devotions this week. You’ll need a timer, a quiet spot, and about ten minutes for devotions each day this week. Get what you need, take a deep breath, and prepare to hear from our upcoming preaching text.



One man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” – John 5:5-6



Often times we use this devotional space to learn more about a text and find a way to connect it to our faith lives this week. Instead, let’s use this text in a different way. We’ll reflect on the text loosely using a process called Examen. In this ancient technique, used most often by Jesuits, you prayerfully reflect on the day and discern God’s leading through the events. For each devotion this week, you will get five questions to reflect on based on the verses you’ve read. Set your timer for two minutes to reflect on and pray about each question. Allow yourself to hear what God might be saying, even if sometimes what you need to hear is some time to be quiet and still:


Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be made well. Where have you experienced God offering you healing this week?


What moments of wholeness and wellness did you experience this week? Spend time thanking God for them.


Consider this man’s long illness. What’s one thing that’s caused you suffering for a long time? How does it feel to bring that to God today?


Thinking about your day, what’s one need, event, or question that you want to bring to God in prayer?


How will God’s gift of healing in Jesus Christ carry you into the rest of your week?



God, thank you for the many ways that your gift of healing is made know in my life. Bring that same gift to others in my home, my city, and this world. I give thanks for our time together and look forward to continuing to hear you speak. Amen.


Carry On.

How might this process change the way you consider your day? How will it affect your awareness?


John 5:7-9


John 3:6-8