Jeremiah 29:13-14a


Take a deep breath. As you breathe in say, “God, grant me peace.” As you breathe out say, “Spirit, surround me.” Repeat as many times as you need.



When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord. Jeremiah 29:13-14a



Last Sunday, we lit the candle for hope on the Advent wreath. That one tiny light shines to remind us of the constant presence of God’s promise even when everything seems like shadowy confusion.


This coming Sunday, we’ll light the second candle for peace. The lesson we’ll hear is from the prophet Jeremiah, who bore God’s promise to the people. The word was a hard one: the people were to accept that they had been exiled in a foreign land and would stay there for some time. God’s invitation to peace didn’t mean that things would be made easy and simple. God’s peace meant that God would care and provide for the people even though a disorienting time.


When we think of peace, we tend to think of an absence of struggle. But if we’re honest, has there ever been a time in life when things haven’t been at least a little hard? There are always challenges to overcome, questions to ponder, and evil to endure. If we wait for things to be easy to declare peace, we’ll never know it.


God’s peace is one that comes to us through any time. God’s peace speaks calm and quiet into our hearts. It reminds us that our trust is not in everything working out, but in God making anything work. When we light the Advent candle for peace, we make the bold declaration that God works for good in any situation, even (especially) the hardest ones.


May you know peace today, not because you were able to remove all challenges from your life, but because you recognized that God remained present through every challenge.



God, you are peace itself. Remind me of this promise. Ground my heart in your love. Whatever my day holds, call me back to you. May your peace surround me today and every day. Amen.


Carry On.

What will help you stay centered in God’s peace when things get tough? Can you keep a gratitude journal, take time for silence during your day, or go for a short walk?


Luke 2:13-14


Isaiah 9:2