Luke 2:13-14


Take a deep breath. As you breathe in say, “Glory to God.” As you breathe out say, “Peace for all people.” Repeat as many times as you need.



And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!” – Luke 2:13-14



In the whole Christmas story, this scene always amazes me. Those shepherds were just minding their business – quite literally, as their business was sheep and they were tending to them in the fields – when their dark, cold, quiet night got profoundly disrupted. First an angel declaring “Do not be afraid” – how scary must angels be if they need to say that every time they appear? Then one angel introduces “a multitude of the heavenly host” which sounds like something even more overwhelming.


And what do they call out? “Glory to God”, which absolutely makes sense for heavenly messengers to declare. But also: “on earth peace”. It seems that a good start to bringing peace to earth might be not terrifying the messengers you’re about to send out from the fields.


Still, it achieves its purpose. The shepherds are overwhelmed but obedient. They saw, they listened, they shared the story. And somehow, in the midst of so much disruption and chaos and confusion, they found peace within themselves to carry this word of promise.


As we light the candle for peace on the Advent wreath tomorrow, I hope we can carry that same peace of the shepherds. When we face overwhelming circumstances, an ever-changing landscape, and things we simply cannot understand, may we hear God’s promise for peace and let it dwell in our hearts. May we not be overwhelmed, at least not for long, and instead trust in God’s providence as we go out into an unknown future.


May we, like the shepherds, also know the joy of encountering Christ along the way.



God, I am sometimes so overwhelmed by the power of your promise and the needs of the world. Speak your peace into my heart so I can continue to share the good news of your Son through any situation. Amen.


Carry On.

What’s one place in your life right now that feels just too overwhelming or disorienting? How can you watch for God’s peace in that circumstance this week?


Elizabeth and Zechariah


Jeremiah 29:13-14a