Isaiah 9:2


Take a deep breath. As you breathe in say, “God, grant me hope.” As you breathe out say, “Spirit, lead me.” Repeat as many times as you need.



The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness — on them light has shined. – Isaiah 9:2



On Sunday, we lit the first candle in the Advent wreath. Traditionally, that candle stands for hope. Hope truly highlights the whole Advent season as we light candles against lengthening shadows and prepare ourselves to watch and wait for the coming of Christ. You only wait for something you hope to be true and real – and worth it.


Hope can be a tough thing any time, but especially these days. And I don’t just mean the continuing pandemic and political division that have so tormented us all. This time of year often sees an increase in hopelessness. For some, it brings out reminders of separation and isolation. For others, it highlights the material comfort that simply cannot be. For many, it’s the onslaught of depression exacerbated by lack of sunlight and increased pressures. At the very time we start talking more about hope, many of us are most inclined to give up.


The prophet Isaiah uses these images of light and being lost to point to a promise. In the deepest, most isolating times, even the smallest light can be a profound and powerful beacon. Even those who feel most lost can find promise in the slightest glimmer. This week that one candle on the Advent wreath serves as that beacon of hope.


Hold on to that hope wherever you find it, friends. Be that beacon of hope to someone else however you can. Together, we light our candles against the night and hold out hope that Christ will come no matter what. And that is good news.



God, sometimes hope is so hard to come by. Reveal yourself to me in even the smallest ways. Tune my heart and mind to your action in the world. Let me be a light for you so that others might find hope in you, too. Amen.


Carry On.

How will you pay attention to God’s action in your life this week? Can you take some time at the end of the day to write down a few places you saw God’s presence giving you hope?


Jeremiah 29:13-14a

