Tiny Miracles


“Life is but a series of tiny miracles. Notice Them.”


Often we are told to focus on the big picture. To not stress about the details or fixate or pick on things we can’t control. This is true to a point, but we forget when looking at the big picture to notice and give thanks for the small miracles already in motion making up the big picture.


I noticed a small miracle the other day. And it was truly, small. But, realizing it and giving it a moment of clarity and attention brought me all of the joy and peace I needed that day. Do you know what it was? I was simply staring at my beautiful German Shepherd dog and watching him snore as he slept. In that moment I was so thankful for him. All the times of him being naughty, or annoying, disappeared from thought and all I could think about was how amazing it was that bonds with an animal like this could become so strong that we literally weep from loss of love when they pass. That their sense of love for us is so pure and unwavering, and they don’t even realize it. The love we have for our pets, and the love they reciprocate so willingly and without fault, this is what we as people of God dream of having amongst ourselves and our neighbors.


I am sure many of you have recognized or experienced a moment like this with your own pet, or child. And it is moments like this that we need to bring into focus more, and give time to reflect upon instead of either focusing too much on the big picture and blurring the tiny miracles to do so, or getting too into the weeds to realize the presence of a miracle.


I challenge you to find a small miracle around you today, to recognize it and to give thanks for it. Expressing gratitude is the most self-fulfilling thing you can do to grow in grace and praise, and I challenge you to do it today, tomorrow, and every chance you get.


Notice the tiny miracles.


Dear God,

Thank you for the life you have given me that is made up of tiny miracles. Thank you for these tiny miracles. Help me to recognize and sing praise for the miracles you have given me, and to allow myself the pleasure of noticing them when I need a moment of clarity, peace, or gratitude. In your name we pray, Amen.

Gina Lindquist

Easter Director of Operations


Praise the Lord


Thank you Small Group Leaders!