Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness! – Psalm 150:1-2

What an incredible month it’s been! I think about everything that’s been happening and I just can’t stop smiling:

  • We’ve welcomed our new interim pastors, Pastor Jen and Pastor Jay, and are already blessed by their service.

  • Our new Sunday worship schedule added a worship time. We now have band led worship at 9 and 10:30 at the Lake and choir and organ led worship at the Hill at 9:45.

  • We now have a weeknight service. On Wednesday nights at 5:45, join us for a relaxed, 30 minute service at the Hill with the same message as the upcoming Sunday.

  • Online worship continues as we prepare to livestream both styles of worship, which we intend to start later this fall.

  • JAM (Jesus And Me – our kids’ Christian education opportunity) started up on Wednesday nights after worship, Sunday mornings after worship at the Hill, and Sunday mornings between services at the Lake.

  • Choirs are practicing and sharing music in worship. The Easter Choir meets on Wednesdays at 7 pm and our kids choir for grades 2-5 meets at 6:15 pm on Wednesdays, right after evening worship.

  • Confirmation classes get up and running this week, including their fall retreat to Wapo.

  • Numerous adult learning events are going, like Wednesday night learning time at 6:15, weekly Women On Wednesdays Bible study, monthly Soul Sisters study and fellowship, and so much more.

  • In worship, we’ve installed our call committee and blessed backpacks and empowered pre-k/kindergarten students to pray and soon will present Bibles to our 3rd graders.

And that’s just a selection of all the fantastic ministry at Easter that’s starting or continuing this fall. Isn’t it exciting?

I hope you’ll keep engaging with ways to be a part of all the dynamic opportunities for growth that Easter offers. I have three suggestions that might get you going:

  • Come to worship. Whether you re-engage in watching online worship, try out the new Sunday morning schedule, or check out Wednesday night, experience for yourself how meaningful it can be to be a regular part of Easter’s worship life. You could even invite a friend to join you!

  • Try something new. Maybe it’s serving at Loaves and Fishes for the first time, stepping up to support confirmation ministry, taking on a regular shift as an usher or greeter for worship, or checking out a new learning opportunity, there’s something for you. Live into our mission to grow in faith and carry on the work of Jesus Christ in a new, powerful way.

  • Pray. Everything happening at Easter, from new schedules to new pastors, grows and flourishes through our regular prayer. Ask the Spirit to guide our discernment and bless our community life.

I’ll be right there with you through all of it. It’s always a joy to serve with each of you. I am so grateful for God’s ongoing work among us. There is so much life and joy here at Easter, and I’m honored to be a part of it with you.

Let us pray:

God, continue to bless the ministries of our church. Help us grow together, learn about you, serve our neighbors, and praise your Son, all to your glory. Thank you for this congregation and the life we share! Amen.


I Am Not Alone


Tiny Miracles