Thank you Small Group Leaders! 

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Isaiah 52:7 

I am always humbled and grateful for the people who say Yes to serve as Small Group Leaders (SGLS) at Easter. They are all ages from teenagers to retirees. Some are seasoned leaders and some are brand new. But they all have one thing in common: they feel they’ve been called to serve the people of Easter. They want to build relationships and make space for faith conversations.

We held a Leader Launch on Sept. 11th for our JAM, High School and Confirmation SGLs. And wow, did our SGLs show up! The room was filled with people and expectation and excitement to be together again. We ran JAM last year with limited numbers, but this year feels bigger. People want to be together and get back to the things they used to do.

You might be surprised by what it takes to be a SGL for youth at Easter.  No, it’s not expert knowledge of the Bible or perfect church attendance or even a background in teaching. To be a SGL means showing up for your group, getting to know them, and sharing what you see God doing in your life and around you. And the impact you have is immeasurable. Kids need people in their lives who know who they are and care about them. And not just their parents, they need people outside of their family too. What better place to find those people than at church?

Thank you to all of our JAM Small Group Leaders who said Yes to leading a group this year, to being that person Easter kids know and love. We are grateful for your time and your care for the kids at Easter.  We are better together and are looking forward to an excellent year!

Dear God,

Call us to the places where you want us to serve. Holy Spirit, move and touch the lives of all who gather here. Be with our Small Group Leaders and our Easter kids as we JAM together this year. Help us to love you and love each other well.



Tiny Miracles


Say YES Again