O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you, I will praise your name; for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure. – Isaiah 25:1


God has given me some of the greatest gifts in people of faithfulness and devotion who will willingly talk about their faith with me. In one of those conversations recently, a spiritual mentor reflected on God’s action in our lives. She noted how easily she forgets that God doesn’t work only in her own life, but in all the world. God is so much bigger than her own experiences and knowledge. A person may be able to trick herself into thinking that God has forgotten her; not only is that a lie, but a disservice to the wideness and fullness of God’s action that can’t be contained to any one person’s experience. 

I was so grateful to hear that reflection. In the midst of everything going on in my personal life, my family’s life, the life of this congregation, and the chaos of this year, it can get really easy to narrow my vision. I get out of the habit of expecting God to show up, not just in my experiences, but in the world all around me. God becomes as small as my daily events, and after a while, God’s not even that big any more. It’s a dangerous place to be for a person of faith.  

Find people in your life who will tell you the truth. Reach out and make connections with those beloved in faith who can expand your vision and remind you that God works in and through you, yes, but also throughout the wideness of the universe in ways you cannot know, understand, explain, or experience. We need that reassurance, because if we think God is small enough to be contained only to the events of our lives, it gets pretty easy to completely minimize God’s power. Eventually we forget to look for God’s action entirely.   

It’s harder than ever to have these deep, faithful conversations about the struggles of faith and the mysteries of God’s action. But it’s worth it. Pick up the phone. Write a letter. Request a video chat. Do what it takes. Let your relationships and conversations keep your eyes and hearts open to the wonders of God’s actions all around us, in our lives and in our world.


Let us pray:

God of wonders, God of mystery, God of the universe, we are in awe of your power and praise you for your mighty actions. Expand our vision and keep us focused on you. Forgive us when we fail to see beyond our own interests. Make us watchful and hopeful as we expect the coming of your Son, in whose name we pray. Amen.


