When [the king] came near the den where Daniel was, he cried out anxiously to Daniel, “O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you faithfully serve been able to deliver you from the lions?” – Daniel 6:20


The story of Daniel in the lion’s den is one of those great hero stories of the Old Testament. Jealous toadies betray the faithful Daniel, who finds himself thrown into a den of lions for praying to the one God instead of King Darius. The king frets all night and sprints to the scene at dawn. He shouts out an incredible question in verse 20, wondering if Daniel’s God has indeed saved Daniel from certain death, just as King Darius hopes. 

As in many places throughout scripture, we hear a more powerful statement of faith from a religious outsider than from the faithful believer. That’s not to say that Daniel didn’t demonstrate incredible trust and devotion; Daniel chooses to continue his acts of devotion in spite of the law and never voices any hope that God will keep him from death. But in this story, it’s King Darius whose words demonstrate recognition of God’s supremacy over all things, including unjust laws and greedy powermongers. 

At this time of year, many things can threaten to pull our attention away from faith. Shopping lists, year-end deadlines, and seasonal obligations tend to demand all our energy. Even during this season, when everything is more than a little different, those same pressures and distractions loom large. Rather than condemning these things, it’s up to us to take the reality of our lives and situations and let them point us back to faith. 

Because this year is so different, let it be a time for you to establish new habits and rituals. What things help prepare your heart for the birth of Christ? What kinds decorations, treats, and gifts keep you centered in the hope, joy, love, and peace of the Advent season? Just because something doesn’t explicitly mention Christianity doesn’t mean it can’t build your faith. We can’t expect our surrounding culture to do all the work for us. Instead, we let our faith shine meaning into what we do and say. Perhaps, like King Darius, those on the outside will come to recognize the power of the God we worship. 

May this Advent season shine light into your life, showing you God’s action in new ways, and welcome all people into the warmth of Christ’s love.


Let us pray:

God of hope, we praise you for the coming gift of your Son. Turn our hearts so that in all things, we prepare ourselves to worship him faithfully. Make us into preachers of your truth and let all people hear your message of life. Amen.


