Grow Guide | November 7

God Is - We Are

Genesis 35:9-15

Connecting Questions 

  • Do you have a nickname? If so, how did you get it? 

  • What is a monument or memorial marker that has deep meaning for you? It could be a national monument, or a simple something that you created for yourself or your family. 


This week we continue our series God is, We Are by looking at a definitive moment in Jacob’s life. Last week we saw that he wrestled with God because he was afraid that Esau wanted to kill him (he did steal everything from Esau, remember). We were pleasantly surprised when Esau forgave Jacob, even though he didn’t deserve it. 

This week we see that Jacob is maturing a little bit. He has had eleven sons and a few daughters. He has suffered (read what happened to his daughter in chapter 34. It’s horrible). Now, he is ready to settle down in the land that God promised to his grandfather--Abraham--and his father--Isaac. 

Look at the Book 

  • The reading for worship is Genesis 35:9-15. Before you read that, read Genesis 35:1-4. What did Jacob ask his family to do in order to prepare themselves for the journey back to Canaan? Why? 

  • Now read Genesis 35:9-15. 

  • What promises does God make to Jacob? 

  • How does God describe Godself? 

  • If you have been tracking with our series, what parts of God’s speech is familiar from previous lessons? (hint: names, promises, creation) 

  • How does Jacob respond to God’s words (verse 14-15)? Why? 

Taking it Home 

  • Here is a reminder of what these names mean: Jacob = deceiver; Israel = wrestles with God; El Shaddai (the Hebrew behind “God Almighty”) = breast, mountain, the God who supplies and comforts; Bethel = house of God. In what ways do these names and/or the fact that Jacob wrestles with God resonate with your faith journey? 

  • Jacob erected a physical monument to memorialize God’s amazing act of forgiveness and faithfulness to him. In what ways can we create physical objects, monuments, or traditions that will help us to remember the things God has done for us in our own lives? 

  • Based on this lesson, fill in the blanks: God is _______, We are _______. 


Grow Guide | November 14


Grow Guide | October 31