Grow Guide | November 14

God Is - We Are

Genesis 39:20-40:8

Connecting Questions 

  • Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you asked either a) How did I end up here? or b) It seems like there’s no way out of this? 

  • Tell about a time when either you were falsely accused, or you misunderstood someone else’s motives. 


This week we continue our series God Is, We Are by jumping into the middle of Joseph’s story. Here’s what has happened since last time. Jacob had 12 sons by four women. His eleventh son was the first-born son of the wife he loved: Rachel (confusing, right? see the illustration). His name was Joseph. Jacob spoiled Joseph and gave him a special coat. The older brothers were very envious of Joseph. 

Joseph had a dream that his family would bow down to him and he shared the dream with his brothers. That made them hate him even more. They sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt, then told Jacob that Joseph had been killed and dragged off by a wild animal.  

Joseph was a slave in Potiphar’s house, but Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph. He refused her advances, so she falsely accused him of raping her. Joseph was thrown into prison. That is where our text picks up the story. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Genesis 39:20-40:8. 

  • Where is Joseph and why is he there? 

  • How did God treat Joseph and what was the effect of that treatment? 

  • Who were the cupbearer and baker and why were they in prison? 

  • What was Joseph’s relationship with/responsibility for the cupbearer and baker? 

  • What did Joseph notice about the cupbearer and baker? 

  • How did Joseph respond to the state in which these men found themselves? Why do you think he treated them this way? 

Taking it Home 

  • Try to imagine yourself in Joseph’s situation. You’ve been betrayed by your brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused and imprisoned. How would you react to that situation (be honest)? 

  • One thing we know about Joseph is that he had the ability to interpret dreams. He used that gift to serve others, even though he was in a horrible situation. What gifts/abilities/strengths has God given you that you can use to help others, regardless of your current circumstances? How are you currently using them, how might you find ways to grow in using them? 

  • In light of this study, fill in the blanks: God is _______, We are _______. 


Grow Guide | November 21


Grow Guide | November 7