Grow Guide | June 26, 2022

3rd Sunday After Pentecost

Word of Life

Philippians 1:9-11

Connecting Questions 

  • It is Grad Party Season. What kinds of things would you write or say to a graduate as they move to a new chapter in their lives? 

  • Have you ever received an encouraging note from a mentor? What did it say? How did it make you feel? 


We continue our summer Sermon Series: Word of Lifereflections on some of our favorite Bible passages. In this series each preacher will preach on their favorite Bible passage, talking about what it means to them and why. We invite you to find scripture that speaks to you in your life and consider its meaning.  

The passage this week comes from Paul’s letter to his friends in the city of Philippi. Look back to previous weeks because we just did a little dive into this letter recently. Paul is in prison and he heard word that his friends were struggling. This letter is both a thank you note and a word of encouragement to help them stay strong when things get difficult. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Philippians 1:3-8. 

    • How does Paul feel about the people in Philippi? 

    • How would you describe the relationship he has with these people? 

  • Read Philippians 1:9-11 (this is the actual text for the sermon). 

    • What does Paul want to have overflow in the people? 

    • How will it overflow? 

    • Why does he pray this for them (hint: “so that” is the clue). 

    • In verse 10, the word determine can also be translated test, approve, interpret, or discern. How might these words expand your understanding of what Paul wants for the people? 

    • What kind of people does Paul want the Philippians to become? 

Taking it Home 

  • Which part of Paul’s prayer for his friends speaks most directly to you right now? Why? 

  • Is there a person in your life that might need to receive a letter like this from you? What would you say to that person? 

Steve Thomason

Easter Pastor


Grow Guide | July 3, 2022


Grow Guide | June 19, 2022