Grow Guide | July 3, 2022

Word of Life

Isaiah 43:1-3a  

Connecting Questions 

  • How does it make you feel when someone remembers your name, and/or calls you by name? 

  • What are some of your favorite “Come Back” stories when a person or group of people was restored after a very difficult experience? What inspires you in stories like that? 


We continue our summer Sermon Series: Word of Lifereflections on some of our favorite Bible passages. In this series each preacher will preach on their favorite Bible passage, talking about what it means to them and why. We invite you to find scripture that speaks to you in your life and consider its meaning.  

This week we jump to Isaiah. The book of Isaiah is a mixture of warning and promise. The book records the messages of a few prophets who spoke to the nation of Israel over a long period of time. They warned of coming consequences for the nation's neglect of justice and wandering from the Word of God. Yet, the prophets also gave words of encouragement that God will never abandon the people, no matter how far they may stray from the path. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read Isaiah 42:21-24, to get context for the preaching text. 

    • How are the people described in this passage? 

    • Why are they in this condition? 

  • Read Isaiah 43:1-3a (this is the preaching text). 

    • Note: Jacob and Israel is the same person, and it is a name used for the entire nation of Israel. 

    • How would you describe God’s relationship with Israel based on verse 1? 

    • What types of circumstance might verse 2 be describing? 

    • What is God’s promise in verse 2? 

Taking it Home 

  • Have you ever had a time when you thought either a) God has abandoned you, or b) you are not worthy of God’s love? Let the words of verse 1 wash over you. Breathe them in. What is God speaking to you right now? 

  • These verses do not promise that God would remove Israel from hardship, but that God would be with them in it and through it. How does that promise speak to you right now? 


Grow Guide | July 10, 2022


Grow Guide | June 26, 2022