Grow Guide | Jan 9 2022

Rebuilding Hope

John 1:29-34 

Connecting Questions 

  • Have you ever had to introduce someone to another person, or publicly to a group of people? What types of things do you say in an introduction? 

  • What, if anything, do you remember about your baptism, or a baptism you have witnessed? 


This week we conclude our series Rebuilding Hope by looking at John the Baptizer’s announcement and introduction of Jesus. This is our second week with John the Baptizer. Last week we learned that he was a powerful preacher who had a large following. Now he publicly points to Jesus and testifies who Jesus is and why it matters. 

As we work our way through John over the next few weeks, pay attention to the words testify and testimony and to anyone who sees or wants to see what Jesus has to show the world. These are two keys themes in the Gospel of John. We, as disciples of Jesus, are called to bear witness to the world what we have seen in our relationship with Jesus. 

Look at the Book 

Read John 1:29-34. 

  • How did John describe Jesus? 

  • Why did John do his work of baptism (verse 31)? 

  • What descended upon Jesus? 

  • Read Isaiah 11:2; 53:7; 61:1. How do these portraits of the Messiah, painted by Isaiah, match John’s description of Jesus? 

  • Notice that the author does not let the reader see these things happen to Jesus, but lets us learn about them through John’s testimony. Why do you think the author chose this method to reveal Jesus’ identity? 

Taking it Home 

  • It is interesting to note that Jesus was not baptized by John in this story. The other Gospels--Matthew, Mark and Luke--tell us that detail. However, it can be inferred that the Spirit descended upon Jesus during his baptism. The point of this story is that John is testifying to what he saw. What have you seen about Jesus in your own experience that you might want to testify about to others? 

  • This lesson concludes our series Rebuilding Hope. Reflecting on this story, and on the past few weeks, in what ways has your hope been rebuilt? What do you hope to learn/do/become in the next few weeks of studying John’s Gospel? 


Grow Guide | Jan 16 2022


Grow Guide | Jan 2, 2022