Grow Guide | Jan 16 2022

I Am

John 2:13-25 

Connecting Questions 

  • Have you ever had a time when you were so angry that you felt like throwing things? What happened? 

  • What kinds of things make you really angry? Why do you think they trigger anger for you? 


This week begins our new series called I Am. We will spend the next three months walking through Jesus’ life as it is presented in the Gospel of John. The first half of the story offers scenes that reveal a different aspect of who Jesus was, why he did what he did, and why it matters. 

Our first scene offers a portrait of Jesus that may be shocking to some people. We like to think of Jesus as a serene guru who floated through life teaching about peace, petting sheep, and holding cute babies. Brace yourself as you encounter the zealous Jesus who was not afraid of confrontation. 

Look at the Book 

  • Read John 2:13-25. 

  • Where is Jesus and when does this take place? 

  • What does Jesus do? How do you think you would have responded if you saw a man do this in your holy place? 

  • How does Jesus refer to the temple? How might this be different from how others imagined it? 

  • What is Jesus’ accusation against the religious leaders? 

  • In verse 17 we are told that Jesus’ actions reminded his disciples of a scripture passage. The passage is most likely Psalm 69:9. Read that verse. If you have time, read all of Psalm 69. This Psalm is attributed to King David. How might David’s context relate to Jesus in this scene? 

  • The author explains to us that Jesus told the religious leaders that the sign he would provide was that his body (the temple) would be raised up three days after it was destroyed. Why do you think Jesus compared his body to the Temple? 

  • Why do you suppose Jesus would not trust the crowd when they trusted him? 

Taking it Home 

  • In what ways do you see people turning our places of worship into a marketplace today? 

  • Jesus became angry and boldly spoke truth to power when he observed injustice. In what ways do you feel God calling you to do a similar thing in your life? 

  • Based on this story, fill in the blank: Jesus is _______. 


Grow Guide | Jan 23, 2022


Grow Guide | Jan 9 2022