GROW Guide February 14, 2021

Meeting Jesus - Transfiguration

Luke 9:28-45

Opening Question:

Share about a time you experienced a big change in your life and what led up to that moment. 


Jesus is up on a mountaintop, a place known for encounters with God.  In his transfiguration, there are 2 others who appear:  Moses and Elijah.  Moses also encountered God on a mountaintop and brought the Hebrew people the 10 commandments.  Elijah was a great prophet who experienced God in the silence of a mountain cave.  

Discussion Questions:

What do you hear and see in this text?  What stands out to you or catches your attention?

Who do you think the “transfiguration” is for?  Why?  What purpose does this moment serve?

How do you see God revealing Godself in our world today?  What does God’s glory “look” like?

In both sections of our reading, the disciples seem baffled and not fully understanding the ways of God.  There is amazement as “all were astounded at the greatness of God.”  How was Jesus different than what the disciples knew him to be?  How is Jesus different from what you understand him to be?  What are you learning that is shaping your understanding of God?

Peter, James and John hear God’s voice from the cloud, and are told to listen to Jesus.  How do we listen to God?  What helps you hear God’s voice?  What do you need to listen to, be obedient to or more attentive to in your relationship with Jesus? 

Take Home Questions:

Peter, not knowing what to do in the midst of the transfiguration, suggested staying on the mountain and building dwellings for them there.  All of us would like to stay on the mountain top in the midst of God’s glory and light.  Coming down the mountain to the valley where crucifixion waits - where struggle and suffering live - is much harder.  But Jesus comes with us. 

How do moments of God’s light and glory help us live in the valley?  

What valley-living are you experiencing right now?  How does recognizing the fullness of God help you through?



GROW Guide February 21, 2021


GROW Guide February, 7, 2021