Grow Guide | Dec 17, 2023

It’s Time

Ezra 1:1-3, 3:10-13


Connecting Questions

Where do you see God at work in the world today?

How have you seen love help someone?


Prayer for Illumination

Let us pray, Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to prepare the way for the coming of your Son. Give us courage and faith to proclaim, in word and deed, the good news of your coming, even as we wait in patience for that day when Christ will come again. Amen.



It is time! The season of Advent has arrived, and, in this season, we prepare for the arrival of Emmanuel—God with us—in Jesus Christ. Our weary world could use some rejoicing, no? We long for the Prince of Peace in our neighborhoods, homes, cities, and war-torn countries. We also long for Jesus' homemaking in our hearts. Come explore the many opportunities to grow in faith and carry on the work of Jesus Christ at Easter. So glad you are here!


From Pastor Mark Throntveit at

Ezra-Nehemiah (often seen as one book!) looks like a history of the restoration. While important historical information is presented, Ezra-Nehemiah should be read as a theological, rather than a chronological, presentation of this formative period that saw the return of Israel from exile and the rebirth of God’s people in the promised land. This is seen in the theological ordering of the final form of the text: the rebuilding of the temple, followed by the purification of the people, and the rebuilding of the walls, climaxing in the reading of the law.


Look at the Book

  • Open to the book Ezra 1. What is a place you long to return to? Would it matter if the place looked completely different? What’s that longing about?

  • Ezra’s story is much about “return and restoration.” The people of God returning to their homelands and restoring the Temple, the law, and their relationships with God and neighbors. What needs to happen before there can be a story of “return and restoration?”

  • A royal scene happens in Ezra 1:1-3. Describe it in your own words.

  • What is the content of the message from the king?

  • We learn a subtle way that God works in Ezra 1:1? What does the Lord do to the King that makes the proclamation happen? What might be a way that God is stirring you right now?

  • In verse 2-3, two locations are mentioned twice. What are they? Why are they mentioned twice?

  • What is happening in verse 10?

  • Describe the scene after the foundation for the new temple has been laid.

  • What is the content of the song they are singing? What a promise from God!

  • Verse 13 makes a powerful point about praise and grief. What is it?

  • Christmastime evokes joy and grief. Where are you this year? Where are those whom you love?

  • How do you find peace during an often-frantic season?

  • How does love help us grow God’s church?

  • How is Ezra’s picture of the cornerstone being laid good news?

  • What do you want to talk about that has not been brought up yet?


Taking it Home

Thank someone who contributes to your overall health and wellbeing this week.


An Advent Hymn as Benediction

“Comfort, comfort now my people;

Tell of peace!” So says our God.

Comfort those who sit in darkness

Mourning under sorrow’s load.

To God's people now proclaim

That God's pardon waits for them!

Tell them that their war is over;

God will reign in peace forever!


Grow Guide | Dec 24, 2023


Grow Guide | Dec 10, 2023