Grow Guide | Dec 10, 2023

Series Theme: It’s Time

Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11


Connecting Questions

How do you prefer to be comforted when life is tough?

What is a way you comfort others?


Prayer for Illumination

Let us pray, stir up our hearts, O Lord, to prepare the way for the coming of your Son. Give us courage and faith to proclaim, in word and deed, the good news of your coming, even as we wait in patience for that day when Christ will come again. Amen.



It is time! The season of Advent has arrived, and, in this season, we prepare for the arrival of Emmanuel—God with us—in Jesus Christ. Our weary world could use some rejoicing, no? We long for the Prince of Peace in our neighborhoods, homes, cities, and war-torn countries. We also long for Jesus' homemaking in our hearts. Come explore the many opportunities to grow in faith and carry on the work of Jesus Christ at Easter. So glad you are here!


From Pastor Fred Gaiser at

A new exodus. Isaiah reaches back to the exodus as a “text” for his proclamation of the new saving work of God. Just as God once delivered Israel from Egypt, God will provide new highways to bring home the people who survived the Assyrian conquest of the eighth century B.C.E. (11:16) and the Babylonian conquest of the sixth century (35:8-10; 40:3-5). God’s former work was a dry way in the sea, but the new work is a wet way in the desert (43:16-21)–the “new thing” building on yet surpassing the old, a reminder that God is always taking God’s people somewhere new.


Look at the Book

  • Open to the book Isaiah. Tell about memorable piece of Christmas music.

  • Music speaks to us differently than words on a page. Why is that? Martin Luther said, “Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise.”

  • This entire passage is like music; how can you tell from your English translation?

  • The first words of the passage are key. What are they? Why do you think they are repeated?

  • Who is the message of comfort coming from and why does that matter?

  • Verse 2 instructs the prophet to do two things. What are they? If you had to pick one, which activity would you be best at?

  • "Sin has been paid for” is a powerful image. Who needs forgiveness in your life right now?

  • Verse 3 changes images. What picture is painted?

  • Where does your imagination go with “desert” and “wilderness?” Why does God always seem to show up there and not places like Target Field or the Minnesota Zoo?

  • What is happening to the physical earth in verse 4? What does the finished product look like?

  • Verse 5, the glory of the Lord will be revealed, who else gets to “see it?” What might this mean?

  • The end of verse 9 and verses 10-11 make an incredibly powerful list of God at work. Circle the verbs. Which one are you drawn to? And which one does our world need?

  • What do you want to talk about that has not been brought up yet?


Taking it Home

Who is one person who might need a word of comfort this week? Text them today.


An Advent Hymn as Benediction

“Comfort, comfort now my people;

Tell of peace!” So says our God.

Comfort those who sit in darkness

Mourning under sorrow’s load.

To God's people now proclaim

That God's pardon waits for them!

Tell them that their war is over;

God will reign in peace forever!


Grow Guide | Dec 17, 2023


Grow Guide | Dec 3, 2023