Proverbs 29:11

This is what the JAM kids will be learning this week.


Monthly Memory Verse: God’s power has given us everything we need to lead a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3a (NIrV)

Monthly Life App: Self-control—Choosing to do what you should even when you don’t want to


Read Proverbs 29:11 Fools give full vent to their rage,

    but the wise bring calm in the end.


Think about a bottle of soda. What happens if you shake it and shake it and shake it and then open it? Soda spews everywhere! People who are easily angered are kind of like that. And sometimes, it only takes one shake, one small something, to make them explode.


Do you like to hang out with people like that?


Foolish people let their anger run wild. A fool is a person who lacks judgement or sense. But a wise person keeps their anger in check. A wise person stops and thinks, “Why am I so mad? What’s a better way to handle this so I don’t hurt others or myself?”

Do you want to be known as wise or foolish? If you want to be wise, don’t be controlled by your anger. To do this, you will need God’s help! Stop, pray, and ask God to help you be wise this week and keep your anger in check. Thank Him for hearing you, for helping you and for loving you, always.


“Dear God, thank You for the emotions You have given us! We know that You gave us these emotions so we can feel, become passionate, and change the world around us for the better. Please forgive us for the times we have allowed our anger to control us instead of showing self-control! Teach us to use our anger to help and not hurt. Please guide us with Your Holy Spirit and remind us, [Bottom Line] don’t be controlled by your anger. We love You, and we ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen!”

©2021 Parent Cue


Proverbs 14:29


Isaiah 60:1