Isaiah 60:1


Stop somewhere that you can be still and close your eyes.  Notice what you hear.  Do you hear something you’ve not noticed before?



Isaiah 60:1

Arise, shine; for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.




Some days it’s hard to rise and shine.  Some days I just want to curl up in bed and hide, keep the shining to myself if there is any shine.  This verse from Isaiah was the ‘verse of the day’ on a cloudy-it’s about to snow and it’s really cold kinda day.  I definitely did not think the sun was going to shine.  As a believer in Jesus I don’t always need the sunshine, but I do need to have some God light. We are given that light in baptism and reminded of it every time we see water.  Pastor Lusungu Msigwa reminded us that we should look for our light, we should remember to turn it on so others can see our faith and our hope.  We need to shine our light to show the world how Jesus loves us and how Jesus loves everyone.

On those days where you do not feel like rising and shining know that the light of Jesus is still there!  He is shining even when we are at our darkest.  Also, I want to remember that Jesus came to us in the dark, dark that is sacred and holy. 



God of sleepless nights, it is comforting to think that you too knew fear. That the woman who held and formed you knew the fear of waiting, of uncertainty, of being subject to the rule of oppressive men.  Our own bodies are riddled with anxiety. So we numb, and look at screens, and lash out, and do a thousand unhelpful things to placate, if only for a moment, the tension rising in us. We have known and elusive anxiety – a fear that cannot be placed or rationalized.  Help it to not alienate us but draw us into communities of patience and understanding.  Steady us in your arms, God.  That your presence with us would be a mother’s tenderness.  That we would be rocked and swayed, but that it would be the kind of rocking that brings comfort to us in the arms of our makers and sustainer.  Let us breathe deep, keeping rhythm with the chest of God. (from @blackliturgies)



Carry On

Carry on with your days and take time for yourself, every day.  Remember that God is with you, God is for you, and God loves you.


Proverbs 29:11


Genesis 2:7